Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Evidence base practice and its implication in health and social care

Part 01
This assignment is based on evidence based practise. As the first part of the paper, the evidence based practise is defined and its importance in the modern world is thus, recognized. As the second half of the assignment, the implications of evidence based practises are taken in to discussion. The advantages and best possible ways to use this concept is further described in the same section.  As the next section of the assignment, the implications of evidence based practise to the social care is discussed in details. In the same section, advantages and also potential barriers for successful implementation of evidence based practised is discussed. Based on the discussions, finally, the conclusions were arrived at.
What is evidence based practice?
The route of the evidence based practice is the evidence base medicine. The evidence base medicine sheared its fundamentals with the evidence based practice. Sackett et al. (1996) describes the evidence base practice as “The conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients”. According to this definition, the evidence based practice is dealt with making decisions about the care of individual patients using the current best evidences. These evidences are generated from many sources like researches, articles, clinical practices, studies, technological developments, etc.    
In relation to the social and health care intervention, the evidence based practice plays a major role all over the world. The development of the evidence based practice depends on number of drivers like political, philosophical and managerial. The development of evidence based practice further strengthens by adopting this concept by the modern medical professionals in the context of social and health care. Many health care and social professionals use this model to explore and study interventions (Magill, 2011).       
Evidence based practice and its implication on health care
In the area of health care, evidence based practice is used to make decisions about a specific group of patients. Basically, these decisions are based on the research evident. The clinical situation, patient’s preference and desire, and the expertise of the clinician are considered for the evidence based practice in health care. Usually for this purpose, health care professionals criticize and interpret available research findings. Further, they interpret the clinical practice guidelines (Thomas et al, 2010).
By the evidence based practices, the health care professional can serve instrumental role in the field of health care. Further, they can find numerous answers for their health care questions by using this evidence base practice (Sackett et al, 1996). For instance, providing best practices, evidence for interventions, etc can be questioned by the health care professionals and by finding answers for those questions they can provide effective service for the patients.
Evidence based practices may be discontinue the routine health care practices which followed by the health care professionals from long time. This method is introduced innovative practices to the health care discipline and it helps to the development of the profession. Further, these new practices and technology will make health care service more effective. Also, the evidence based practices help continuous improvements of health care professionals. It will improve the modern knowledge of professionals rather than depending on traditional myths (Magill, 2011).
Health care practices should be up to date to provide best health care for the nation. Following evidence based practices will pave the way for up to date health care knowledge for the health care professionals. This knowledge will add confidence for the decision making related to the health care.
Evidence based practice and its implication on social care
When the society needs special attention or need, the social care is emerged. These needs of the society differ from one group to another. Since this paper discusses about the health care of the society, the attention will be paid to the evidence based practice and its implication on social health care (Thomas et al, 2010).
Empirical investigations, casework, social philosophy, sociological theory, and the analysis of practical social theory have contributed to the evidence based practice in social care. Development of the social work organisations and social scientific culture has contributed to the development of evidence based practice in social care (Thomas et al, 2010).
The social evidence is very important for conducting social care. The evidence based practices provide sufficient social evidence for the social care. Evidence based practice will help to draw hypothesis for the social care and to do interpretations about the social care. The success or failure of the social care is mainly depended on its effective planning. Thus, using evidence based practice, it can be made more effective social care plans. To address the complex social situations in the modern world the evidence base practice in social care is very important (Sackett et al, 1996).                         
What are the barriers to implementing evidence based practice?             
Whether it is health or social care, there are barriers of implementing evidence based practice. The first indentified barrier is the difficulty of changing. This is applicable to any discipline and most professionals reluctant to change the way they were being practiced form long time. Insufficient time to conduct researches is a barrier for evidence based practice. Since the evidence based practice is more depend on research, this is a vital reason. Lack of awareness about evidence based practice is another obstacle. Many professional are practicing the traditional methods rather than evidence based practice because of this reason. Time is a major barrier. Since most of health care professionals are busy with their work, they do not have sufficient time to access resources. Most of these researches are highly technical and some are very difficult to understand. That also can be a barrier when accessing to new area of subject (Thomas et al, 2010).         
The concept of evidence based practise is taken into discussion in this paper. The discussion basically consisted of two major sections, namely implication of evidence based practise in health care and evidence based practise in social care. The discussion proved that in both these situations, evidence based practise can be considered very effective. There are various advantages that can be gained through putting the evidence based practise into practise. The discussion also proved that despite its advantages, the evidence based practise has potential barriers when it comes to practical scenarios. However, the paper proved that evidence based practise is an effective concept that can be applied in day-to-day lives of people.
Part 02       
This assignment is based on critical appraisal usage in assessing research articles. For the purpose of analyzing a research article, The systematic appraisal model is selected. The research on “The global burden of disease attributable to low consumption of fruit and vegetables: implications for the global strategy on diet” done by Lock et al in 2005 was selected in order to apply the systematic appraisal model. The intention of the research article is to discuss non-communicable diseases and the impact of fruit and vegetable as a nutrition transition. The four main areas of systematic appraisal model is used to analyses the article and to measure whether it is effective or not. Accordingly, the conclusions were arrived at.
What is critical appraisal? 
Assessing a research article is time consuming and can be a complex work. Crucial appraisal models are one of best solutions for these kinds of lengthy evaluations. It simplifies the finding and makes them more understandable. The critical appraisal can be defined as “the process of systematically examining research evidence to assess its validity, results, and relevance before using it to inform a decision” (Snelling, 2007). According to this definition, the process involves systematically examining of research evidence. These examines are done to understand the validity, results and relevance of the research findings. It will help to make effective decisions by using research findings. Further, these appraisals help to put the research into practice.
The systematic appraisal model will be used to evaluate the selected research article. According to the systematic appraisal model the below four (4) areas should be covered for critical appraisal. Those are (Benos et at, 2007);
1.      The relevance of article to the selected topic
2.      The results of the study
3.      The validity of results
4.      The applicability of results for public health practices
Although it has been summarized to four major areas, it includes many more sub areas.
A critique to low consumption of fruit and vegetable
The selected research based article for this critique is “The global burden of disease attributable to low consumption of fruit and vegetables: implications for the global strategy on diet” which was done by Lock et al in 2005 (Karen et al, 2005).
The abstract of the article discusses about the non-communicable diseases and the impact of fruit and vegetable as a nutrition transition. This is closely related to the selected area of critique. At the abstract the article discusses about the impact of non-communicable diseases on deaths and related disabilities. The article has specially paid attention to the cardiovascular diseases since the usage of fruit and vegetable is more related to this non-communicable disease. In the abstract itself, the researcher has given statistics for the non-communicable diseases and its impact to the global society. According to the information given by the article, fruit and vegetable has been given low attention as nutrition and it has led to the wide spared of non-communicable diseases in many countries. Further, other factors which can be a course for non communicable disease, have discussed. It also says the correct usage of fruit and vegetable will help reduce the threat of cancer. Basically, this article discusses about the area which is selected for the critique (Ko et al, 2011).
This critique is done according to the systematic appraisal system. Thus, systematic study is expected from the respective article. The study is done according to the way of systematic study. The objective of study, methodology, literature review, conceptual framework, data collection, data analysis, conclusion and recommendations have been done according to the systematic method of study.                                
According to the systematic appraisal system, the next step is to criticize the results of the study. Under this section, the overall results of the study, the persistence of the results, and availability of data will be considered (Snelling, 2007). The article summarizes its finding and estimates the regional consumption of fruit and vegetable. It further summarizes the intake by age and sex by giving more information for reviewers. According to the results given by the study, both high intake and low intake of fruits and vegetables have coursed many non-communicable diseases. Further, it summarizes that 1.8% of global burden of diseases coursed by wrong intake of fruit and vegetable (Karen et al, 2005).
The results of the study provide very useful information about the fruit and vegetable consumption worldwide and its impact to the non-communicable diseases. Accordingly 2.6 million deaths and 31% cardiovascular disease in the worldwide are attributed to fruit and vegetable consumption behaviour of individuals. Further, tobacco, inadequate physical activity, obesity and high cholesterol are major factors which influences for non communicable disease in the worldwide. The article discusses impact of all above factors in the summary section and it further compares the results of each factor. According to that comparison, 1.3% of the total non-communicable diseases are attributed to inadequate physical activity, 2.3% non-communicable diseases are attributed to obesity, and 2.8% diseases are attributed to high cholesterol intake. The highest impact for non-communicable diseases is given by tobacco and as a percentage 4.1%.      By considering all above information about the factors, it has determined that the fruit and vegetable consumption behaviour has significant impact on non-communicable disease (Karen et al, 2005).
Further, it summarizes that dietary components are vary from one circumstances to another. Those circumstances are discussed as combination of fruit and vegetable, type of fruit and vegetable, and the frequency of intake.
According to the systematic appraisal system, the next step of the critical analysis is the validity of results. The extent of addressing public health issues, the relevance of the details of the study, and the methodological quantity of the primary study are considered under this step. As mentioned above, this study is based on examining fruit and vegetable consumption behaviour of individuals and its impact on non-communicable diseases. This is a clear public health issue everywhere in the world. It is well evident that non-communicable diseases are one of leading courses for deaths and disabilities. As reported by global statistics 16.7 million deaths are accounted for cardiovascular diseases and 7.1 million deaths are accounted for cancers. As a percentage, it is 29.2% and 12.5% respectively (Karen et al, 2005). Many risk factors have been affected for this situation and less attention has been given for the dietary risk factor. Thus, this is a clear health issues which is affected to all over the world. This study addresses this public health issue in a very systematic way by examining all the areas concerned.
The presentation of data is very relevant to the study. In the critical appraisal, understanding the presentation of data is very important. The study has presented all relevant data to the issue. Those include the existing situation of non communicable diseases, age factor and non-communicable diseases, gender factor and non communicable diseases, factor which influence to the non communicable diseases, dietary behaviour and non communicable diseases, how fruit and vegetable consumption contributed to non communicable diseases, etc. Thus, the presentation of data of this study is very relevant and it has strengthened the validity of study.        
Methodological quantity is important to measure the validity of the study. The methodological section details about fruit and vegetable consumption measured using the consumption behaviour of population. Also, 14 geographical regions have been selected for data collection and data had collected for six (6) health outcomes. This systematic methodology further strengthens the validity of the study (Karen et al, 2005).
According to the systematic appraisal model, the final step is whether the results of the study can be applied for public health care practices. Under this step, it will be evaluated whether these results are applicable for the policy making on public health (Benos et al, 2007). According to the evidence based practices, the health care policies and practices are made considering the results of studies. Thus, the applicability of the results of study for policy and programme making is very important.
The respective study gives clear insight for public health policy making. Further, at the discussion section it discusses what are the responsibilities of respective governments, public and community base organisations for the policymaking on public health. It has given many suggestions for the public health development.
This article discusses about what are the main risk factors for non-communicable diseases since the main area of this study is non-communicable diseases and its risk factors. The finding of the study says that 2.635 million deaths per year are caused by inadequate consumption of fruit and vegetables. Thus, it highlights that all governments, public and nongovernmental organizations should pay their attention to this risk factor and should work towards mitigation this situation. Not only for the local organizations, but also it emphasizes the international organizations to make policies for adequate fruit and vegetable consumption. Further, the findings of this study says that by increasing up to 600g fruit and vegetable consumption per day per individual will reduce the global burden of non communicable diseases by 1.8%. This finding is a critical factor for the public health policy making for any government organisation. All government should identify the cost of ill health of its nations and its implication for the economic, social and cultural development of the country. Thus, reducing non-communicable diseases by 1.8% in the global context, is a considerable number which should get attention when the public health policymaking. Also international organisations like WHO can use these finding for their global health policies. Since the study discusses about 14 regions and its fruit and vegetable consumption, the WHO can obtain clear idea about the most vulnerable regions. The WHO can use this information for their global policymaking (Karen et al, 2005).                
Critical examine is one of essential parts of the systematic evaluation of researches. The systematic evaluation is essential for the evidence based practice since it is mainly depended on the researches.
The article selected for this critical examine, is based on the dietary behaviour of individuals’ and its impact on non-communicable disease. The study has done considering the global context and has addressed the main areas of individual’s dietary behaviour and non-communicable diseases.
The critical analysis was done as per the steps given by systematic appraisal model. This model has introduced for main steps for the critical analysis. Those are the relevance of article to the selected topic, the results of the study, the validity of results and the applicability of results for public health practices.     
The above four main areas were covered under this critical analysis. The conclusion about this article is that it has established an argument about the fruit and vegetable consumption of individuals and its implications for non-communicable diseases. Thus this article is a good source for evidence based practices.     
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